Área dos fãs - Succession

Who watches the watchmen? I fucking do.
It's burning my eye, but I cannot look away.
Snakes everywhere
we are bullshit
i love you, but you are not serious people.
“You can’t make a Tomelette without breaking some Gregs”. Succession é a série que transita entre o tudo de Sopranos e o nada de Seinfeld.
♫ "Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard, and mostly what I need from you." ♫
“i love you but you are not serious people.”
are you a part of this family or not?
i may not love you, but i do love you
"I'm not a radical feminist, Dad, but I think perhaps we should not fire her for receiving pictures of my dick."
Fuck off
You can't make a Tomelette without breaking some Greggs.
"i'm shiv fucking roy. and i'm gonna have two very grateful people, the next president and my father."
What a shitshow. What a fucking shitshow.
i love you, but i can't fucking stomach you.
Um império da mídia está prestes a ter um novo rei. Mas o atual monarca não está com tanta pressa para passar o bastão. Succession é imperdível.
Comédia e Drama brilhantemente misturados num texto afiadíssimo de nível shakesperiano.
you can't make a tomelette without breaking some greggs

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