Área dos fãs - Fringe

You're my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing.
my very favorite thing
"Gentlemen, you are looking through a window into another world."
When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth.
*White Tulip *Astro *Fringe Division *Olivia&Peter *Walter&Gene *WeAreObservers
"Você é minha coisa favorita, Peter. Minha coisa favorita."
“Imagine as impossibilidades”.
Sdds Fringe < 3
Ficção científica de extrema qualidade, com personagens muito interessantes, cheios de camadas, e atores sensacionais.
O melhor sci fi que já assisti... Tanto aqui quanto no mundo alternativo, haha
"Unless you have an IQ higher than mine, I'm not interested in what you think."
Excellent. Let's make some LSD
When you touch something, it touches you. It changes you!
She's your Olivia.
nº 1 no meu coração
"You are my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing."
"There Are No Limits, Except For Those That We Impose On Ourselves"
"You are my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing."
Assimov + X-Files + Universos Paralelos + Elenco Foda = Minha série favorita *-*
When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth.
"When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth."
we shouldn't have had that time together, but we did. and i wouldn't change it for the world.
Unless you have an IQ higher than mine, I am not interested in what you think.
Be a better man than your father
❀ A forma como você enxerga tulipas brancas vai mudar depois dessa série. ❀
SciFi que infelizmente se perdeu um pouco e aí teve que correr no final, mas nunca será esquecido. Olivia, Walter, Peter e Astrid sdds.
You are my favorite thing - Walter. White Tulip < 3.
Demora uma temporada para engrenar, mas quando engrena não decai. Para mim, uma das melhores séries de ficção científica.
only those who risk going too far, find out how far they can go. ♥
Sem palavras para Fringe...Tinha o Doutor Bishop e ele tinha a vaca Gene!!! precisa mais?rs, Uma das melhores sci-fi ^^
a mais foda, a mais épica, fringe é amor, fringe é FRINGE
𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀 𝐃𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐀𝐌: I am emotional. And I think it makes me a better agent. If you have a problem with that, I'm sorry. You can fire me.
Uma série que melhorou continuamente e não deixou pontas soltas. Um must-watch da Sci-Fi.
"You are my favorite thing. My very favorite thing." ❤
real is just a matter of perception
"You are my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing."
"Real is just a matter of perception."
"You are my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing."
mas bah
You are my favorite thing. My very favorite thing.
The Observers are coming
Best Sci-fi Ever.
Uma viagem psicodélica entre os universos!
"I've asked God for a sign of forgiveness. A specific one, a white tulip."
Melhor série do Universo, e do Universo paralelo
O abuso de Hawking com dimensões para dar e vender, revolucionou o syfi, no meu ponto de vista! Serie para entendedores!"
Fronteiras ou Franja, qual universo você está?
"Every relationship is reciprocal. When you touch something, it touches you. It changes you."
Você não sabe o que é ficção científica até assistir Fringe, bjs.
"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you. It changes you..."
Usar o amor como tema de uma ficção científica nunca caiu tão bem quanto aqui. My very favourite thing sim!
fauxlivia ruined u2 for all of us
Unless you have an IQ higher than mine, I'm not interested in what you think. - Walter Bishop
Every relationship is reciprocal. When you touch something, it touches you. It changes you.
You are my favorite thing. My very favorite thing.
Melhor série do universo (desse e dos alternativos).
Que saudades!!
When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth.
"I’ve always felt there are people who can leave an indelible mark on your soul, an imprint that can never be erased.”
jamais vou superar o cancelamento
É muito amor para ser explicado em 150 caracteres. My very favorite thing.
" I could take from there what I had lost here."
"Every relationship is reciprocal, Peter. When you touch something, it touches you. It changes you."
"Only those who risk going too far, find out how far they can go." — Walternate
When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth.
when you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth
Vim do lado de lá pra falar que essa série é perfeita!
"You are my favorite thing. My very favorite thing."
No último ep., uma mistura de sentimentos. Mas a certeza de que ocupou lugar no meu coração.
You're my favorite thing, Peter, my very favorite thing.

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