Área dos fãs - The Good Wife

“When the door you’ve been knocking at finally swings open, you don’t ask why. You run through.”
"I like myself around you, Alicia. I don't like myself around a lot of people."
You’re a good lawyer, but you’re always waiting for people to give you things.
Alicia: - Last time I was in court was 13 years ago. Kalinda: - Wow, I was 12.
I'm sorry, was that in your opinion?
O problema das pessoas más é que elas usam os argumentos das pessoas boas.
Alicia Florrick killing in a courtroom é algo que eu poderia assistir por 20 temporadas sem me cansar, uma lenda dos tribunais, melhor série jurídica.
"I want what we had. I wanna be with you. And only you. Forever" 💔
IN MY OPINION, the best series ever!!
Um seriado marcante que deixou muitos órfãos.
In my opinion
Weve always had bad timing, havent we?
mrs. florrick, what will i ever do without you?
Obra prima. O texto é perfeito, cada episódio um prazer novo. Série jurídica e política que não penava pelo absurdo - o jurídico tava na medida.
In my opnion...a melhor série da TV aberta dos últimos anos.
"If you don’t want a story to be told, it’s better to tell it yourself."
Que série surreal de boa!
The shit has never hit the fan like this
Call Alicia!
God, I love you Alicia
''Don't let the name fool you''
I wont stand beside you. Not again. Not in a million years.
In My Opinion...
Patroa das séries jurídicas
I want what we had. I want to be with you and only you, forever. Call me back.

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