Área dos fãs - The Originals

"Reter o que é nosso ajudando os outros"
Every family has a legacy, and this is mine.
Always and Forever
always and forever
this is us. the original family, and we remain together, always and forever.
Por motivos de " KLAUS" < 3
"Every king needs an heir."
"Always and Forever."
Always And Forever...
"New Orleans is a vicious place, and your enemies are everywhere" "We stick together as one, always and forever"
"We stick together as one, always and forever"
Tem nem como explicar o quanto eu amo essa serie hahaha
Me apaixonei pela família Mikaelson e nunca mais deixei de amar a história individual deles.
uma spin off de TVD que surpreendeu todos, sendo uma das melhores series ativas
Always and Forever.
"Ele foi o seu primeiro amor, eu pretendo ser o último." Klaus Mikaelson
"No one hurts my family and lives, no one."
"Essa família ♥"
"Always and Forever"
You look familiar, have I threatened you before?
"Always and Forever..."
"Every family has a legacy, and this is mine. I intend to fight for always and forever, even if it destroys me"
"Don't be fooled, love. I'm the Devil in disguise." — Klaus

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